Our Partners & Sponsors
Sponsors and Funders
Pobal (www.pobal.ie)
Pobal's mission is to promote social inclusion, reconciliation and equality through integrated social and economic development within communities. Pobal is a not-for-profit company with charitable status that manages programmes on behalf of the Irish government.
The Arts Council (www.artscouncil.ie)
The Arts Council of Ireland, who support us through Revenue Grants and for project work.
Dublin City Council Arts Office (www.dublincity.ie)
The Arts Office manages Arts Funding from Dublin City Council, and has supported MaSamba's projects for many years.
City of Dublin Youth Service Board (www.cdysb.ie)
City of Dublin Youth Service Board supports the development of young people in the Dublin area, through a series of initiatives. CDYSB is a key funder of our youth band.
Irish Youth Foundation (www.iyf.ie)
The Irish Youth Foundation is a charitable trust which supports youth development throughout Ireland. The Irish Youth Foundation has supported many of the key areas of our youth work.
Support in Kind​
MaSamba is proud to use only the highest-quality instruments in our workshops and performances.
Unlike many other ‘samba’ groups, all of our instruments are sourced from Brasil, in sone cases directly from the factories and workshops where they are produced.
We are proud to have the support of the following companies who support our work through the provision of instruments, accessories and advice:
Contemporanea Instrumentos Musicais – Brasil’s premier producer of samba percussion instruments, based in downtown Sao Paulo. www.contemporaneamusical.com.br/
Hardcase - Hardcase produce the best quality protection for any drum, large or small. Masamba partnered with Hardcase to make a series of cases specifically tailored to fit samba instruments such as surdos and timbals. https://www.hardcase.com/
Liverpool Drumsticks - based in Santa Catarina, Brasil, Liverpool produce specialist sticks and beaters for the samba community, as well as a wide range of 'mainstream' drumsticks. https://www.baquetasliverpool.com.br/
We are proud to have developed positive links with some of the leading percussionists and drumming groups around the world
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