Legal Status, Governance and Management
Masamba is a Company Limited by Guarantee (364908) and a Registered Charity (CRA 20056087). We are currently up to date with all Companies Office filing requirements and with the Charities Regulatory Authority annual reporting requirements. We are signed up to, and fully compliant with the Governance Code.
Masamba is managed by a voluntary Board of Directors which meets six time each year. The membership of the Board represents our main stakeholder groups, and is as follows:
Masamba Samba School Social Economy Programme CLG is a Company Limited by Guarantee with no Share Capital.
Registered Office: 23 Northbrook Avenue Upper, North Strand, Dublin D03 TF70, Ireland
Company Number: 364908
Tax Registration Number: 6384908E
Tax Clearance Access Number (TCAN): 451213
Charity No. 20056087
Auditor: Donal Ryan and Associates.
Masamba Samba School Social Economy Programme CLG is fully compliant with the Governance Code.
Our most recent audited accounts (for 2022) can be found here:
​Masamba Samba School has adopted the 'Safe to Create' Declaration​